Common Rock Jasmine is a perennial herb,
usually a densely white-woolly plant with leaves in rosettes, with
runners with reddish hairs, and with an umbel of small bright, white or pinkish
flowers borne on long flowering stems. Flowering stems are usually 10-15 cm;
runners 5-10 cm. Flowers are about 8 mm across,
sepals elliptic 2-3 mm, densely silky-haired; bracts unequal, the outer
linear, hairy. Leaves are elliptic-lanceshaped to inverted-lanceshaped
variable in size, outer rosette-leaves spreading, the inner much larger,
erect, to 3 cm. Common Rock Jasmine is found in the Himalayas, from
Kashmir to Sikkim, at altitudes of 2700-3900 m. Flowering: May-July.
Medicinal uses: The entire plant is used in Tibetan medicine, it is
said to have a bitter taste and a cooling and coarsening potency. A
resolutive, it dries up serous fluids. It is used in the treatment of
disorders from tumours, inflammations of fluids and other serous fluid